-एनअरएन एनसीसी अमेरिकाको The Dream Big Challenge-K-12 Students 2020

एनअरएन एनसीसी अमेरिकाको The Dream Big Challenge-K-12 Students 2020

Hollywood Khabar September 17,2020 Comments

कृष्ण के सी/अमेरिका/९/१७/२०

गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परिषद (एनअरएन एनसीसी) अमेरिकाले नेपाली मुलका K-12 सम्मका बिधार्थीहरुको लागि The Dream Big Challenge-K-12 Students 2020 ल्याएको छ।

एनअरएन एनसीसी अमेरिकाका अध्यक्ष सुनील साहले हलिउडखबरलाइ प्रदान गरेको जानकारी अनुसार अमेरिकामा हाइस्कूल (KG देखि १२ क्लास) सम्मका बिधार्थीहरुको लागि समाजमा परिवर्तन ल्याउने खालका व्यापार-उद्दोग सम्बन्धि प्रस्ताब प्रस्तुत गरेर पुरस्कार जित्ने सुनौलो अवसर ल्याएको छ।

The Dream Big Challenge for K-12 Students 2020 नाम दिइएको सो प्रोजेक्ट एनअरएन एनसीसी अमेरिकाको Science, Technology, and Innovation Committee ले आयोजना गरेको हो। यदि कुनै बिधार्थीहरुलाई समाजका ब्यबसाय संबन्धि विचार, ज्ञान छ भने यो कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन सक्नेछन।

यो प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिएर बिधार्थीहरुलाई आफू भित्र रहेको ब्यबसायिक ज्ञान प्रस्फुटित गरेर अझै तिखर बनाउने मौका मिल्ने छ। यसले भविष्यमा आफूलाई ब्यबसाय गर्न प्रेरित गर्ने एउटा खुड्किलो हुन सक्छ। आफ्ना अभिभावकहरु ब्यबसायी छन् भने उनीहरुको लागि पनि सहयोगी हुन सक्छ। प्रतियोगितामा बिजयी भएमा पुरस्कारको समेत ब्यबस्था गरिएको छ।

थप जानकारी आयोजकबाट प्राप्त अनुसार:

पुरस्कार यसप्रकार छ:

  1. Elementary School Students:
  • 1st Place - $500
  • 2nd Place - $300
  • 3rd Place - $100
  1. Middle School Students:
  • 1st Place - $700
  • 2nd Place -$500
  • 3rd Place - $200
  1. High School Students:
  • 1st Place - $1000
  • 2nd Place -$700
  • 3rd Place - $500

In this challenge, you will pretend that you are given up to a 1-million-dollar loan to start a business of your choice. You will be judged on how well you answer the following questions:

  1. How much money do you need to start the business? Why?
  2. What is a problem (in your opinion) that needs solving?
  3. Who is your target audience/customer?
  4. How can your business help your target audience/customer and society as a whole?
  5. How does your business earn a profit so that you can pay back your loan?

Participation Requirements (प्रतियोगितामा कसरी सहभागि हुने ?)

  1. Be Non-Resident Nepali living in the US
  2. Complete the webform by September 24, 2020
  3. Submit a one-page written document that addresses the aforementioned questions.
  4. Make an oral presentation of the project on Zoom Up to 5 minutes followed by 3 minutes for Q/A

Important dates:

  1. Deadline for registration Midnight (PST), September 24, 2020
  2. The name list of the participants will be announced on Midnight (PST), September 26, 2020
  3. Submission of written document Midnight (PST), Monday, Oct 19, 2020, for the Semi-Final Round, and Monday, November 9, 2020, for the Final Round.

Oral presentation days (The Semi-Final Round):

  1. 8 PM EST, Friday, Oct 23, Elementary School contestants
  2. 7 PM EST, Saturday, Oct 24, Middle School contestants
  3. 3 PM EST, Sunday, Oct 25, High School contestants

Oral presentation days (The Final Round)-Top 20 contestants in each category

  1. 8 PM EST, Friday, November 13, Elementary School contestants
  2. 7 PM EST, Saturday, November 14, Middle School contestants
  3. 3 PM EST, Sunday, November 15, High School contestants


Only one student can enter as a contestant. There is no option for a group of two or a team in this competition. In case, there are more than 20 individual contestants registered, the contest will happen in two rounds. The semi-final phase will precede the final round. At least a gap of 7 days will be kept in between the semi-final and the final rounds. The format of the evaluation will be the same, and this will also be broadcasted LIVE on Facebook.

Winner selection criteria (बिजेताहरु कसरि छानिने छन्?)

The applicants will be judged in two criteria, i.e. written document and oral presentation plus Q/A. Each criterion is weighted equally (i.e. 50% each). Five judges will independently provide a score for each project in these two criteria, and the winners will be selected on the basis of the cumulative points.

Event Venue: Keeping social distancing in mind due to the current pandemic, the event will be done over Zoom. The Zoom event will be streamlined LIVE on Facebook.

For any questions or queries please email to (Dreambig@nrnusa.org). Now, start thinking about your business!


NRNA NCC USA, Science, Technology, and Innovation Committee

