१०१ नेपाली चुन्ने अनलाईन नोमिनेसनको तयारी पुरा

Hollywood Khabar November 05,2017 Comments

प्रदीप थापा/१०१ नेपाली/अमेरिका
अहिलेको मौलिक नेपाली चिनारी, नेपालित्व, र नेपालीपन हजारौं लाखौं नेपालीहरुको विशेष योगदानबाट बनेको तथ्य जगजाहेर छ। प्रश्न उठ्छ, नेपालीलाई संस्कृतिको धनी किन भनिन्छ?
नेपाली ईमान्दार र बहादुर पराक्रमी किन मानिन्छ? नेपालीको पहिचान बनाउने नेपालीहरुको खोजी गरी १०१ (एक सय एक) जना उत्कृस्ट नेपाली चुन्ने काम सजिलो छैन तर असम्भव पनि होईन। १०१ नेपाली डट कमले १०१ नेपाली चुन्ने मापनको बिभिन्न सुचाङ्कको आधारमा सूची तयार गर्नेछ। १०१ नेपाली डट कमले सार्बजनिक छनौट (पब्लिक चोईस) गर्ने अनलाईन र फोन टेक्स्टिङ विधी पनि अपनाउने छ। १०१ नेपाली डट कमले १०१ नेपालीका अलावा १०१ एनआरएन नेपाली, १०१ अमेरिकन नेपाली र १०१ नेपाली नारी पनि चुन्ने विधी पनि सार्वजनिक गर्नेछ।
Why 101 Nepali ?
It's the fact that unique Nepali identity is created by hundreds, if not thousands of great Nepali people and their exceptional talent, works, innovation, dedication and leadership. We simply aim to bring about to these exceptional Nepali personalities so that our future generation can be proud of their heritage. We will launch the following categories: (1) 101 Nepali (Past to Present), (2) 101 NRN Nepali, (3) 101 American Nepali, and (4) 101 Nepali Women.
How do we choose 101 Nepali ?
Our distinguished editors, pollsters, advisors and scholars will help contribute and decide to choose best of the best Nepali personalities from Nepal and from around the world but not without taking the benefit of:
Selection Guidelines:
(1) Online polls
(2) Social media posts, likes i.e. from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
(3) Other relevant social platforms
(4) Google and other search engine results
(5) Wikipedia listings
We will also retrieve and delineate:
(6) Stories, documentary, research, thesis, dissertation, biography about their life and works
(7) National and international awards, honors
(8) Name after them such as school, hospital, road, trust, foundation, award
(9) Interview from media (print, online, tv, radio) and
(10) Official Citation from publications and websites of government, reputed institutions and organizations.
Conflict of Interest Resolution
Absolutely, our distinguished editors, pollsters, advisors and scholars will recuse / withdraw themselves from the selection panel once if there is inclusion of their name/s among any of the above mentioned categories.
When will 101 Nepali campaign be launched ?
The 101 Nepali campaign will be launched during the 10th Anniversary of USNepalOnline.com in New York on December 2, 2017.

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